$1,888.00 USD

Activate your divine feminine power with Astrology - Online immersion


I absolutely love that you are following the call to connect deeper with your divine feminine power. This is how we change the world we live in - one by one embodying the change we want to see in the world! And I am a firm believer that we can support the collective evolution through activating the aligned divine feminine energy within ourselves, which then automatically leads to the aligned version of the divine masculine energy within and ultimately to the divine union within and without.

What you'll get over the course of the 8 months together:

  • A monthly online Venus Class (8 different topics) to dive deep into your personal Venus Codes.
  • A monthly online Circle to embody the teachings of the month and to consciously connect with the current Venus in Leo Cycle.
  • A sisterhood of like minded souls.
  • A deep understanding of your unique divine feminine essence.
  • A more magical, magnetic, empowered and fulfilled life.

I can't wait to go on this journey with you and I am so excited for the magic we'll create together over the course of this period of 8 months while Venus is an Evening Star :)